June Check In Open

Share your updates, progress, numbers; ask questions; interact; get support and encouragement, stay accountable to your goals, be part of the community. Check in is open for 3 days, at 7am 6-11-24 to 10pm 6-13-24, US Eastern Time. Once open, find the Check In link below. CLICK HERE to access the June Check In  

July Check In OPEN

This is your opportunity to get personal help and support, so if there’s something specific you need help and support with, if you’re stuck on a plateau or struggling with something, or even if you're feeling unmotivated - please visit the check in - we're here to support you! Share your updates, progress, numbers; ask …

August Check-In OPEN

This is your opportunity to get personal help and support, so if there’s something specific you need help and support with, if you’re stuck on a plateau or struggling with something, or even if you're feeling unmotivated - please visit the check in - we're here to support you! Share your updates, progress, numbers; ask …