April Check In OPEN

Share your updates, progress, numbers; ask questions; interact; get support and encouragement, stay accountable to your goals, be part of the community. Check in is open for 3 days, at 7am 4-9-24 to 10pm 4-11-24, US Eastern Time. Once open, find the Check In link below. CLICK HERE to access the April Check In

May Check In OPEN

Share your updates, progress, numbers; ask questions; interact; get support and encouragement, stay accountable to your goals, be part of the community. Check in is open for 3 days, at 7am 5-14-24 to 10pm 5-16-24, US Eastern Time. Once open, find the Check In link below. CLICK HERE to access the May Check In Find …

June Check In Open

Share your updates, progress, numbers; ask questions; interact; get support and encouragement, stay accountable to your goals, be part of the community. Check in is open for 3 days, at 7am 6-11-24 to 10pm 6-13-24, US Eastern Time. Once open, find the Check In link below. CLICK HERE to access the June Check In